Friday, March 27, 2009

Will Payday Loans Help Families Weather the Recession?

Economists predict the end of the recession is near

Morgan Le FayIf we listen to economists, the end of the recession is close but it is not close enough for many people to look beyond the need for payday loans. There is still the need for people to survive and pay bills with less income than they were making before the onset of the current recession.

How everyone weathers the remainder of this economic downturn remains to be seen, but looking around, we can see the economic damage it has caused with foreclosures and repossessions at a very high rate and several states reporting double digit unemployment figures. Of course we have to see it through until 2010—where does that leave those who are still unemployed or working for less money than they need to pay their bills?

Can people survive until the economy improves again?

Some people may be prepared for the rest of the economic downturn but what about those who came ill-prepared for a recession worse than we weathered in 1981? What are the chances of people pulling out of this and still having their sanity and finances in tact? It's a long road to go yet to 2010, and there are no guarantees. Predictions have been known to be wrong—after all they tried to tell us two years ago we weren't in a recession when all the signs were there in front of us.

Companies that have been in business for over a hundred years are shutting down or filing bankruptcy because they can no longer make a profit. Certainly we can blame some on an increase in online shopping but the majority is because people just can't afford to buy things they don't absolutely need. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Will Payday Loans Help Families Weather the Recession?"

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