Friday, April 17, 2009

10th Amendment Used by Protesters

Some are finding that the stimulus projects, and the bailouts are not what their states needs and they want to get their 10th Amendments rights back. Texas Governor Rick Perry has signed sovereignty resolutions stating that they don’t want any bailout money and want to be able to decide for their state what they need next. Oklahoma and South Dakota have also signed these resolutions, and it looks like some Florida citizens are trying to get Governor Charlie Crist to also sign this resolution. These movements have been spurred by a group called “The Tenth Amendment Movement.” They have gone so far as being referred to as a new Boston Tea Party for the year 2000. The 10th Amendment really stems back to the Bill of Rights did not apply to the States. It was put in place to make it so slavery was illegal through out the United States, and the most recent fight about the 10th Amendment was in the 1960’s when Southern States did not want to incorporate bl ack students into their school systems. Do we really want to use the 10th Amendment when it was intended to protect people from places that did not accept change?

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