Thursday, June 4, 2009

Saving Money in Natural Food Stores

Isn't food less expensive at a supermarket?

Organic Gardening Magazine_Healthy FoodsWhether you save money by buying food in a supermarket depends on how you define "food." Supermarkets carry vast amounts of packaged and processed food products which they buy in freight-car quantities. Natural food stores can't compete with the buying power enjoyed by the large chain supermarkets.

If you compare the prices of packaged goods in supermarkets with the prices of packaged goods in natural food stores, you may get the impression that it would take your whole paycheck, a loan, and a stack of credit cards just to set foot in a natural food store.

Natural food stores and supermarkets both sell packaged and processed foods, but items in natural food stores usually do not contain the sugar, preservatives and other artificial additives and chemicals typical of most supermarket fare. Additionally, some of the items in the aisles of natural food stores are made from organically grown ingredients, a major plus for both your body and the ecosystems on which our lives so intimately depend.

Shop for real food at a natural food store

Where natural food stores outshine supermarkets in terms of price is in the bulk foods section. Supermarkets usually don't have significant bulk-food sections, and if they do, the products they sell in bulk are not the kind of wholesome and healthful foods to base a diet on, and they are rarely organically grown. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Saving Money in Natural Food Stores"

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