Friday, June 5, 2009

Start your day with on MyYahoo!

Many Americans start each day on their personalized My Yahoo! homepage. Starting today, they can use our new Yahoo! application to keep an eye on their money and budgets right along with their email, weather reports, sports scores, and news streams. If you're a My Yahoo user, please try out the app today!

To add the app click here, or from My Yahoo! go to “Add Content” and look for the “Open Apps” category in the My Yahoo! gallery.

Look for the small
Mint leaf logo and click on
“+ Add”.

My Yahoo! users using the app will get many of the at-a-glance insights that existing users love most — an overview of their financial essentials — net cash, budgets, categorized spending, alerts, investment performance, and ways to save – all on their home page.

And because so many Yahoo! users check their home page from their laptop while away from home, the Yahoo! app does not display account balances or specific transactions. But all those details are just a click away on the website.

We were honored to get the call from Yahoo! asking us to create a version of specifically for their new Application Platform. We were one of just a select few companies chosen, we've knocked ourselves out getting this to market, and we’re excited to see it launch. At Mint, we believe that managing your personal finances should be an integrated part of your day-to-day life. Please let us know if or how the Yahoo! app does that for you.

Read more about Start your day with on MyYahoo!…

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