Friday, July 31, 2009

UCLA Undie Run Canceled Due to Safety Concerns

Covering up the student body


Sometimes, you just need a holiday. A time to get away. For people struggling to make their budget stretch, that could mean short term loans and no fax payday loans. For college students, than can mean blowing off steam after a tough semester. Since 2002 at UCLA, there has been a tradition the last week of a semester that students participate in what has been called the “Undie Run.” As the name indicates, there’s running involved, but mostly it’s an excuse to wear only your underwear in public amidst a sea of like-minded compatriots.

But a no-fun college administration has stepped in and thrown a wet blanket over the proceedings. The UCLA Undie Run has been canceled due to “safety concerns.” Young men and women will have to put their T-shirts back on. Oh wait… the wet blanket is soaking through the T-shirts. The young ladies are drenched! Houston, we have a problem…

They did it all for the nooky

The UCLA Daily Bruin reports that the final-week tradition has been “canceled following campus administrators’ safety concerns,” as well as security issues. Apparently it gets a bit too far out of hand. Either that, or the administrators are too self-conscious to join in the fun and want to suppress it all. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "UCLA Undie Run Canceled Due to Safety Concerns"

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