Friday, October 9, 2009

My hair just grows too fast.

It seems like right after I get it cut, I need to get it cut again. But I know that in reality it has been at least a couple months since I got it cut. Sometimes I get desperate and I have my sister cut it for me. Don’t worry, she makes sure it looks good. She even cut her own hair a couple times. Granted, she is a little crazy, just like the rest of my family. But I have my hair up most of the time anyway so it doesn’t really matter too much. One time my mother got desperate like that and she had me cut her hair.

I had never cut hair in my life and she trusted me with those scissors. It took me quite a long time, but I had to make sure I did a good job. She got a lot of compliments on it, so I guess I did a pretty good job on it. I don’t think I could ever cut hair for a living though. I get too caught up in it and it takes me forever. It never seems to come out the way I want it on the first try.

I suppose if I actually learned proper techniques and methods then I might be able to decently cut hair in a short amount of time. But I don’t think I would be able to sit through lectures on hair cutting. It just seems too boring. And then I would have to practice the things I learned on other people and I would be too nervous to do a good enough job. I would probably mess it all up and someone else would have to come and fix it.

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