Thursday, February 25, 2010

Obama holds health care summit | HHS does too

Obama holds meeting with Congress about health care

From Wikimedia Commons

President Obama has initiated a health care summit with Democrats and Republicans from Congress at the Blair House in order to create a bipartisan consensus on what is supposed to be done about health care reform.  Some Republicans have been receptive, others combative.  Thus far, two issues seem to have emerged - that the health care system as it stands is unfair to consumers, and that the U.S. Government cannot afford to begin picking up the tab.  The most common cause of bankruptcy is medical bills, and it is also one of the things that routinely sends people running for payday loans.

Obama, McCain spar

Some of the quotes from the proceedings, from MSNBC, indicate verbal sparring between Sen. John McCain (R, AZ) and President Obama.

"Let me just make this point, John, because we're not campaigning anymore. The election is over." — Obama
"I'm reminded of that every day." – McCain

Republicans strongly contend that market solutions are the better course, which seems to be consensus in other circles.  A recent article in the Wall Street Journal upholds that contention, and two of the authors of the piece are professors of Business and Stanford and Columbia. As it stands now, the government is spending out of control, with Social Security Medicare/Medicaid dangerously close to insolvency, to say nothing of foreign policy.  (One seems to recall not one, but two wars going simultaneously.)  The House and Senate are also currently holding hearings on whether or not to lift the exemption clause that exists for health insurance companies. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Obama holds health care summit | HHS does too"

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