Sunday, March 21, 2010

Five Common Financial Mistakes

Most people make financial mistakes from time to time. This is particularly true for young adults who are still learning financial discipline. While a cash advance can help a person out of a bind, learning lessons to avoid costly mistakes in the future should be everyone's goal, especially when targeting debt recovery. As people mature in wisdom and knowledge, fewer mistakes should occur, and knowing how to identify some of the most common mistakes can assist in helping to avoid them.

Not Creating a Budget

Besides planning to pay a few basic bills, a lot of people who struggle with debt do so because they don't carefully plan their spending. Instead of creating a written itemization of how every dime of their income will be spent or saved, some people simply wing it. While a cash advance can help people out in a bind, everyone should create a personal budget in order to avoid creating debt.

Failing to Pay Yourself First

In crafting a personal budget, a person must remember to pay herself a predetermined amount of money out of each paycheck. To not do so creates a level of frustration of working without reward. It is not surprising that people who neglect paying themselves a percentage of their income end up ditching a personal budget not long after its creation due to a lack of personal satisfaction.

Not Having a Rainy Day Savings

Similar to paying one's self is having a rainy day savings set aside. People who neglect to designate a percentage of their earnings to a savings account find themselves in a bind when an unforeseen expense or emergency arises. Although a loan till payday is available for these times of need, a rainy day savings account specifically designated for unexpected circumstances adds to a person's feelings of comfort and security, not to mention such a savings protects people from falling too far into debt when these circumstances occur. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Five Common Financial Mistakes"

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