Friday, March 19, 2010

Hardships may affect cash today, but they can be overcome

There are ways to overcome financial hardships, no matter the situation.

Hardships can affect consumer's cash today. The recession was hard on consumers and many had to drastically change their ways of life to manage. On top of the financial situation, some consumers suffered other hardships to make matters even worse. For anyone who had difficulties personally and financially, it was a challenge.

For example, Michelle Plumbley, of New Castle, New Jersey, is a homeowner with three children. Four months ago, her husband died of cancer and she was notified that she would no longer be receiving the $2,100 in Social Security benefits to live. Her credit card debt is $18, 000 and comes along with a hefty interest rate. She is debating options and weighing pros and cons for her future.

The solution for a homemaker after tragedy

Plumbley has some options:

  • She can contact a debt consolidator and pay $285 a month for 4 years
  • She can borrow on her retirement to pay off her debt
  • She can sell her home, which she owns in-full, and pay off all debts
  • She can downsize to a smaller home, and use the left over money to pay debt

Although there are many options, each one comes with an interesting set of after-effects. For example, she could sell her home and buy a new one, but the leftover funds may just cover her credit card payoff. In addition, the market isn't at its best position right now to start selling a property, so it may be on the market for a while before the solution comes to fruition. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Hardships may affect cash today, but they can be overcome"

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