Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Pay Czar cuts executive pay once more at TARP companies

A portrait of Obama administration Pay Czar Kenneth Feinberg.

Pay Czar Kenneth Feinberg will once more slash and burn the salaries of TARP CEOs. (Photo: Wikipedia)

Obama "Pay Czar" Kenneth Feinberg wields a mighty money ax, and that ax is coming down once more on executive salaries at bailed out companies, says Reuters. The five firms under consideration – AIG, General Motors, GMAC, Chrysler and Chrysler Financial – are still depending upon government assistance to remain afloat. Since the Obama administration has found that previous crackdowns haven't sent talented workers "fleeing for the exits" as the companies feared, the Pay Czar has the power to make another cut. Overall for 2010, the Treasury cut cash pay 33 percent.

Pay Czar's office says 84 percent still with firms, despite pay cuts

In fact, Feinberg told the media that "There is a striking number of holdovers." So far, that's all the evidence the Treasury needs to justify striking this delicate balance and enable more money to come back to American taxpayers. The firms must be able to function, but taxpayers' overnight loans must also be repaid. If a firm received "exception assistance" from the $700 billion in TARP funds, that firm must make sacrifices to repay America's taxpayer base.

People don't like to hear about AIG execs receiving multi-million-dollar bonuses

Yet that's what happened, even after taxpayers had given up TARP monies to keep them afloat. Now that Pay Czar Feinberg is making wider cuts, the hope is that more Wall Street firms will follow the example. It could be the only way to begin restoring public confidence in a financial sector that openly played unnecessarily risky games with other people's money. Reuters reports that Bank of America and Citigroup have repaid all or some of the TARP money they took, but too many offenders are still on the hook. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Pay Czar cuts executive pay once more at TARP companies"

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