Sunday, May 16, 2010

Will The Flat Belly Diet Reshape Midsections?

Is The Flat Belly Diet A Miraculous Cure For Flab?

Dieting has become a new national pastime. Fad diets spring up all the time, like the South Beach Diet, the We Can’t Believe You Were Gullible Enough to Buy This Stuff Diet, and now the Flat Belly Diet. A Northwest Passage of dieting has been sought after for years, and Flat Belly Diet isn’t really one either. It does, though, use some solid science and common sense. You won’t have to get installment loans for people with bad credit for shipments of frozen meals, either.

Flat Belly Diet uses Mediterranean Diet

Because doctors are experts on the human body, to doctors you need to go to consult about dieting and weight loss, and WebMD has reviewed the Flat Belly Diet. The diet claims to burn off 15 pounds in 32 days. The first part consists of a four-day 1,200 to 1,400 calories per day initiation period, wherein dieters ingest foods targeted to lower bloating and mentally adjust to eating healthier. During these four days, you are encouraged to drink 2 liters a day of Sassy Water.

Monounsaturated fats

The authors of the book are Liz Vaccariello, and as fate would have it, Cynthia Sass, the inventor of Sassy Water. The key ingredient in this diet is Monounsaturated Fat. MUFAs are known to boost good cholesterol and reduce the bad cholesterol.

There is healthy good stuff in it

There’s an eating plan for the diet, a cookbook, the works. You eat four portion-controlled, small meals per day, each of which involves a MUFA ingredient. You keep to healthier meal choices, like more vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Exercise is encouraged to complement the diet.

What doctors said

WebMD didn’t hail it as exactly a breakthrough. They had some reservations about the Flat Belly Diet, however they did praise some features. The weight lost will most likely be water weight, as a person would have to burn 1,600 calories a day or more to lose 15 true fat pounds in 32 days. They admonish the public to remember SED – Strength training, exercise (cardio) and a proper Diet, to sustain responsible weight loss. There may be no Northwest Passage to weight loss.

Article resources


Flat Belly Diet

Monounsaturated Fat

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