Sunday, June 20, 2010

Should you use suction or gravity to change your oil?

Changing your oil seems like a relatively basic process, all things considered. Drain out the oil, replace the filter, put every little thing back together, and add new oil. In some mechanics’ garages and quick-lube shops, though, “suction” or “siphon” oil changing methods are gaining popularity. What are the essential differences between suction oil changes and plug oil changes?

Article Resource: Suction vs. gravity – What is the best way to change your oil? By Car Deal Expert

A standard oil change

Emptying the oil out of an engine, until most recently, has relied on gravity. There is a drain plug at the bottom of the engine that could be removed. Remove the plug, and gravity pulls the engine out. In most mechanic shops, the gravity method is still used to change the oil. In theory, the sludge and gunk that settles within the oil pan is more likely to get drained out with this system.

Changing the oil with a siphon

In the SkyMall catalog and in some quick-change lube shops, siphoning oil machines are making an appearance. These machines suck the oil out of the dipstick tube. In theory, this process is just as effective as gravity changes. There are some enthusiasts who claim that these siphoning oil changes actually get more oil and gunk out of the engine during every change. Some worry that the suction method of oil changing might miss some essential things.

Is the suctioning method as good?

Gravity oil changes work equally well as suction oil changes. No matter the method, you should include a filter change with each oil change. Feel free to ask your quick-lube place or mechanic which method they use. No matter what type of method is used, it is most essential to just remember to change your oil.

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