Monday, June 28, 2010

Summer solstice ideal day for clean energy to promote solar power

The summer solstice this year as a transition in the seasons, could be a turning point for the solar energy industry as well. The summer solstice on June 21, the longest day of the year, was chosen by a California utility company to announce a $ 100 million campaign to promote installation of residential solar power systems. As Congress debates climate and energy legislation, the summer solstice is also being used by clean energy companies to inform the public about the benefits of solar energy.

Article Source: Clean energy firms choose summer solstice to promote solar power by Personal Money Store

Solar power soars on summer solstice

The summer solstice announcement by PG & E Corporation of a $ 100 million tax-equity fund to finance residential solar power installations is the largest solar leasing pool to date, according to the company. The New York Times reports that the fund marks a growing interest by utilities in clean energy financing. In January, PG & E created a $ 60 million tax-equity fund for a Silicon Valley company called SolarCity that also leases residential solar power systems. Earlier this year, the president delivered a speech advocating his positions on the climate and energy bill at a clean energy company in northern California called Solyndra.

Lease solar panels for your home

The $ 100 million fund announced on the summer solstice is expected to finance solar energy systems for 3,500 homes in Arizona, California, Colorado, Massachusetts and New Jersey. Hassle-free solar energy for homeowners is the main objective of the program. Instead of paying for the solar energy system, which can cost more than $ 30,000, homeowners sign a power purchase agreement with SunRun that fixes the cost of their monthly electricity payments for as many as 18 years. In exchange, SunRun installs, owns and maintains the solar energy systems.

Public opinion on solar power

The summer solstice was also appropriate for the clean energy company Applied Materiasl to publish a survey on solar power attitudes. It found that two-thirds of American's say solar power needs to be used more for U.S. energy needs. MarketWatch reports that according to the survey, three-quarters of Americans feel that increasing renewable energy and decreasing U.S. dependence on foreign oil are the country’s top energy priorities. Other findings from the survey's sample of 1,000 people include that 67 percent would pay more for power if their utility used more renewable energy, and 49 percent think an extra $ 5 isn't too much to use more renewable energy.

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