Saturday, November 6, 2010

Omega-3 fish-oil isn't able to impede Alzheimer's, study claims

The effectiveness of omega-3 fatty acids as a treatment for Alzheimer’s disease had been ruled out in a research published Tues. The research, which sought to demonstrate how omega-3 fatty acids could impede the progress of dementia, could not. Omega-3 fish oil has been touted as a treatment for Alzheimer's because people with a diet rich in fish demonstrate a lesser tendency to suffer from dementia. Resource for this article – Omega-3 fish oil fails to slow Alzheimer’s, study says by Personal Money Store.

No outcomes from Omega-3

Omega-3 fish oil had been no more effective than a placebo in results of a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. The experiment being done was double-blind. Omega-3 fatty acid and placebos were given to those who had Alzheimer's disease moderately. Those in the experiment were monitored. For 18 months, this happened. At the end of the study period scientists assessed the subjects’ cognitive ability and conducted MRI scans of their brains. The brain volume and cognitive ability in both groups stayed the exact same.

Fish oil could nevertheless connect with Alzheimer's disease

Omega-3 fatty acids were something that had been looked into for a vitamin good for brain health. This was because Alzheimer's disease had been less common in cultures that have a diet with a lot of fish in it. Since it had been proven that Omega-3 won't help after getting the disease, numerous have decided to start seeing if taking it when younger prevents individuals from getting it when older. Studies have suggested the seeds of dementia are planted decades before symptoms emerge. The dementia may be easier to keep away from if taking Omega-3 years before Alzheimer's hits.

Results should make specialists cautions

Earlier this year, a panel of experts on cognitive decline assembled by the National Institutes of Health said there is little evidence any popular Alzheimer’s therapies work. Programs like memory training, not eating saturated fats, eating more fruits and vegetables and rigorous exercise have no scientific facts behind them. The door is left open a little bit since there is not evidence on these things while Alzheimer's disease being cured by omega-3 fish oil is something that had been proven to be wrong.


Los Angeles Times


Medical News Today

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