Thursday, February 10, 2011

So-called Reagan Republicans contradict their idol

The centennial of Ronald Reagan’s birth was commemorated on February 6. Conventional Republicans use Reagan as a symbol of their ideology. However, the "Reagan Republicans" of today would find it hard to vote for their idol, which passed away at age 93 in 2004. And to think of how many personnel loans individuals obtain to aid their parties.

Republican's use of Reagan

It was Ronald Reagan's 100th birthday. Still, he is a figure in historical past people can't help but admire. The idea of a limited government was launched by him while he also won the cold war, some say. Others remember him for allowing the federal deficit to skyrocket and creating the still-widening gap between the rich and middle class. You will find many Republicans who use Reagan as a role model that defends American ideals. They say he cut taxes and the budget. His name is conveniently used as a catch-phrase to validate tax cuts for the rich, deep cuts in government, aggressive military spending and hard-line immigration policies.

New Reagan taxation

The one hundred year old Reagan wouldn't necessarily like the idea of avoiding tax increases. It might really be the only way the deficit can get any better. The co-chair of the president's commission on deficit reduction is Alan Simpson from Wyoming who’s a former Republican Senator. He worked with the Reagan administration on the federal budget too. Simpson called the conservative assertion that Reagan did not raise taxes “plain damn lies.”. In a Congressional listening to, he pointed out that tax increases under Reagan included the 1982 Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act that elevated corporate taxation and income taxes by nearly 1 percent of Gross Domestic Product, the largest peacetime tax increase ever at the time.

Spending for Reagan

Tax increases occur almost each year Reagan was president. Only one of the 8 years didn't see this increase. From 1967-1975, Reagan was governor of California and increased spending 177 percent. The federal deficit tripled even though taxation was elevated while he was president while also expanding government. Nuclear weapons were a thing Reagan was trying to abolish while the Brady Bill gun-control measure was supported by him. In 1986, millions of undocumented aliens were given amnesty by him instead of making it impossible for immigrants to get in. If Reagan Republicans were honest in their convictions, they might have nothing to do with Ronald Reagan.

Information from

Think Progress

Washington Monthly

Christian Science Monitor

Wall Street Journal


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