Tuesday, March 16, 2010

7 Additional Places You Can Cut Your Budget

When you are looking to save cash, cutting corners can be really tough. Listed below are seven simple ways to trim the fat from your budget.

It may be very tough to find extra places to cut costs. What else can you cut when it feels as if you have cut out everything? Once you’ve reduced everything you can think of, try these ways to spend even less daily.

Experiment With Vegetarianism

Remove meat from your diet two or three days weekly. At $3 to $8 a pound, even inexpensive cuts of meat can mount up. By eating vegetarian every now and then, you will save a surprising amount of money. Beyond that, you can open yourself up to interesting new cuisine. If you take meat off the plate, you may make grains, vegetables, and even fruits the centerpiece.

Shop accompanied by a Partner

You usually have an option of shopping at a discount club or bulk purchasing store. However, because their items are in bulk, these stores stock up storage space quickly. Instead, look for a friend that is willing to split the membership fee with you – and shop together. Break up bulk item packs and split the price. By splitting with friends, it can save you money without having to store five year’s worth of sponges.

Less money to Sweat

Instead of paying a gym to work out, try out a nearby community college. Register for a one-credit gym class, then work out at the school fitness center. This can save you hundreds of dollars a year or more – and could help you get into the habit of working out.

Provide Some Spice

At most large grocery stores, spices are very expensive. Rather than spending nearly $10 for a single ounce of spices, try to shop at an ethnic food store. You can usually buy seasonings in large quantity packages, and for less than they come at standard food markets. If you cannot find ethnic grocery stores, try checking spice stores on the internet. This is yet another place you can split costs with friends.

Wear It Secondhand First

You will get clothes that are still very fashionable at second-hand or consignment stores, even if you wear an unusual size. Try shopping different areas of town, or check out the local stores when you are traveling. Instead of just purchasing clothes, you can also sell clothes that don’t fit or that you will no longer wear.

Go The Way Of The Union

Banks can charge you hundreds, if not thousands of dollars a year in fees. Banks are accountable to their stockholders, so they will always be most interested in their bottom line. Instead, check out credit unions. Operating as member-owned not for profit businesses, credit unions can be a good alternative. You can get a better rate on loans and credit cards if you bank at a credit union.

The Rush – Feel It

Most performances or live theaters offer last-minute “rush” tickets. The night of a show, you possibly can often get tickets for half or less of their original price. While sometimes you will not get tickets, costly shows can be attended for much less.

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