Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Rielle Hunter GQ photos | Top 10 quotes from GQ article

Here's John Edwards, flashing a self-satisfied smile for campaign staff. Check out this article on the Rielle Hunter GQ photos and interview for her top 10 pronouncements on herself and the disgraced politician.

It's John Edwards' world. Rielle Hunter and her GQ photos are just living in it.

Rielle Hunter GQ photos have people hot under the collar, including disgraced politician John Edwards. But have you actually read the interview Rielle Hunter gave to go along with the somewhat racy photo spread? Here are the top 10 moments from the interview, for those of you short of time and interest in serious journalism. Afterward, you may feel like you need a bath, and a payday cash loan can get you an all-natural scrubbing loofa today!

Top 10 Rielle Hunter GQ photos interview moments

See the Rielle Hunter GQ photos for yourself and draw your own conclusions. Here are Rielle Hunter's words in close view, courtesy of the Huffington Post.

  1. "I said, 'I can't believe that was John Edwards; he's so hot. He's really got it going on. He's got something unusual about him…" – Ah yes, the mystery that draws women like moths to the flame. What was it that Rielle Hunter found unusual? Was it Edwards' boyish charm, his strong chin or the fires of exploitation burning behind his eyes? There's nothing unusual about being attracted to power; it's the most basic human equation.
  2. "I used to make a joke that I could have helped save the world, but I had to sleep with him. You know? It was kind of like that." – Why let a man still in search of himself stop you, Rielle?
  3. "I had this thing in my head like a lot of women, where you want your man to stand up on a cliff and scream, 'I LOVE HER.' You know, the knight in shining armor. And that wasn't what was going on." – You simply can't have your cake and eat it, too, Ms. Hunter. As we all know, politicians do all they can to keep these things secret. John Edwards is no exception. South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford came closest to being a "knight in shining armor" in the parlance of recent political sex scandal, but then again a knight doesn't use taxpayer money to fund his jaunts.
  4. 4. "I am not engaged." – Oh good. Now Barney and Kermit have a shot. Just watch out for Ms. Piggy if you value your life.
  5. 5. "Had I spoken, I would have emasculated him. … It is not my desire to teach my daughter that when Mommy's upset with Daddy, you take matters into your own hands and fix Daddy's mistakes." – Public emasculation would have been inappropriate. But you're glossing over the fact that the two of you made a decision to pursue a relationship. Rielle Hunter and John Edwards are equally responsible. What you're teaching your children is that it's OK to infringe upon others' relationships.
  6. "I'm not a predator, I'm not a gold digger, I'm not the stalker. I didn't have any power in that way in our relationship. He held all the power." – John Edwards may have had more power, but you both had enough power over yourselves to choose. Love and lust are powerful forces, but it is completely false that they prevent adults from making adult decisions. Unless you aren't adults…
  7. "He could not go to his wife and say, 'We have an issue.' Because he would be pummeled. So he had a huge fear. … The wrath of Elizabeth is a mighty wrath." – Elizabeth Edwards has had to deal with the scourge of cancer – an adult would have faced up to responsibility. John Edwards is clearly not an adult. If you think it's OK that he ducked his wife, then you have some growing to do as well, Rielle.
  8. "I say she was in denial. … Their relationship has been dysfunctional and toxic and awful for many, many years." – This comes from Rielle Hunter's suggestion that a relationship has to already be broken before an affair can occur. Elizabeth Edwards may have internalized her grief, but I don't know her mind. If we learn anything from this without grabbing a no fax cash advance to go to therapy, we should learn that we must face our fears and not bottle them up.
  9. "I don't believe he was a politician. … His ego and ambition drove him to that field. I believe he's more aligned with being a humanitarian. That suits his true nature. Just like I wasn't a mistress. You know, I'm not a mistress, but I played the role?" – Because John Edwards is so giving of himself and his genes, right? And you're play-acting too! Badly conceived and poorly executed, Ms. Hunter.
  10. "So the home was wrecked already. I was not the Home Wrecker." – Tell it to "The View," tell it to Larry King, tell it to yourself in the mirror. Rielle Hunter – GQ photos and all – you were not solely responsible for this messy marmalade. You did butter the biscuits, however. Now that your picnic with John is over, where will you go? Go save the world like you said you wanted to. If you pose for pictures, people will eat that slop. If you make a difference, people will take you seriously.

(Photo Credithttp://www.flickr.com/photos/tonythemisfit/ / CC BY 2.0) ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Rielle Hunter GQ photos | Top 10 quotes from GQ article"

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