Sunday, April 18, 2010

In Touch says Charlie Sheen is cheating with Angelina Tracy

According to In Touch magazine, Charlie Sheen and Angelina Tracy, lingerie model/escort, are seen together. The Huffington Post reveals that it was no average shady rendezvous, however. Brooke Mueller's husband – who’s also going through rehab like her – was spotted outside of Angelina Tracy's Studio City apartment wearing a hooded sweatshirt, dark sunglasses, and a fake porn style mustache! Charlie Sheen jokes write themselves these days. They are just too easy, just like payday loans no fax.

Is Angelina Tracy an enabler?

Rehab programs – at least those of the 12-step variety – typically do not advise patients like Charlie Sheen to date anybody, Angelina Tracy integrated. At least they do not advise it until the patient has things under control, and clearly sprinting around in a fake mustache indicates that Charlie Sheen doesn’t have things “under control.”. Unhealthy relationships can disrupt the recovery process, and that would include somebody who might exploit addictions or otherwise enable bad behavior. All reports – including those from In Touch, a publication that isn't licensed therapist but plays on paper, claim that Sheen has been struggling ever given that he was arrested following Brooke Mueller's 911 call for Christmas. Clandestine rendezvous with $ 3,000/hour escorts while in rehab do not indicate Charlie Sheen’s issues are clearing up any time soon.

A couple of nuggets from the In Touch Angelina Tracy/Charlie Sheen story

If Charlie Sheen plans on showing Mueller that he has changed himself, then he'll need to bite the bullet, face reality, and adhere to what his conscience says. In Touch writes that “He is seeing Brooke and the kids a lot and is good about continuing treatment,” and that he has been “sweet” to his estranged wife. However, Mueller has rightfully taken it all with a grain of salt. In other salty news Angelina Tracy (professional name: Nina) loves quite a few salt on her margarita glass. Charlie shouldn't be drinking non-virgin stuff right now, exactly what with rehab and all.

No virgins here – Sheen takes his shenanigans 100 proof

You have yourself a train wreck if you mix that with over proof libations. In Touch quotes one onlooker who saw Sheen leaving Angelina Tracy’s apartment as saying that “He ran down to his car. … It seemed like he wanted to leave as quickly as possible.” He sure did. There are so numerous lives to wreck and so little time. Don't count on him getting it at some time and thinking of the kids. Angelina Tracy and other women of her sort are eating up the college fund, enabling an additional wave of dysfunctional offspring.

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