Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Lincoln got a chance to be successful with battle with Gettysburg Address

The Gettysburg Address had been given by President Abraham Lincoln 147 years ago today on November nineteen, 1863. Lincoln gave his historical address at the site of the Battle of Gettysburg, where the Union military achieved an advantage that ultimately led to winning the Civil War. Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address lasted only 2 minutes, however the content had been such a political masterstroke that it inspires patriotism in Americans seven score and 7 years later.

Lincoln delivering the Gettysburg Address

Abraham Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address at the dedication of the Soldiers National Cemetery in Gettysburg, Penn. There was a ton of anti-war sentiment going on because of all the carnage although the Union army defeated the Confederates at Gettysburg. There were New York draft riots, and opposition Democrats wanted to oust Lincoln and make concessions with the Confederacy. Lincoln wanted to rally the nation in order to get things going. This is why the speech, famous for the line "Four score and seven years ago," had been so important.

Gettysburg address famous for certain things

Lincoln used the occasion of honoring the victims of the Battle of Gettysburg to make his case for total victory within the Civil War. He dedicated the battlefield “as a final resting place for many who here gave their lives that the nation might live.” He had been wrong about one thing he said. It had been, “The world will little note, nor long don’t forget what we say here.” "The last full measure of devotion" had been what he described the soldiers' sacrifice as. He also said that "these dead shall not have died in vain" in his speech. The end of the speech said the “government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

The Battle of Gettysburg facts

July 1-3, 1863, 172,000 Union and confederate soldiers collided at Gettysburg, Penn. Within the summer heat, the bodies of 8,000 men and 5,000 horses were rotting after the fight was over. Nearly 50,000 Americans from both sides were wounded. The Battle of Gettysburg ended with Robert E. Lee, a confederate general, getting forced into Virginia while the Union army was following.



Washington Post


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