Friday, December 24, 2010

Assange lawful team nonplussed over law enforcement officials report leak

Thanks to an ever-inquisitive media, WikiLeaks creator Julian Assange’s sexual assault case may have taken a dark turn. Assange’s police statement has leaked to the press, and the British paper The Guardian was happy to print the alleged facts. The allegedly private statement is said to consist of graphic sexual facts of Assange’s current assault case.

Turnabout: Assange police statement released

The alleged released law enforcement officials statement isn't considered a case of turnabout when it comes to Julian Assange's camp trying to choose if it ought to release thousands of cables about intelligence that are private when trying to get free information out there.

Julian Assange has a Swedish lawyer named Bjorn Hurtig. He plans on filing a complaint formally due to the released police report.

"It is with great concern that I hear about this because it puts Julian and his defense in a bad position,” Hurtig said.

Litigation by media

Assange faces charges of sexual assault in Sweden right now even though he is currently released on £275,000 ($432,305) bail by super star backers for instance Bianca Jagger, Michael Moor and Jemina Khan. The Assange law enforcement official’s report being leaked out has been characterized as a "smear campaign" intended to bring the 39-year-old journalist/provocateur before the judging eye of the press and circumvent due process.

Julian Assange's legal team is saying that somebody is attempting to convict Assange in the court of public opinion although the Guardian is saying it’s just a "brief summary" of Julian Assange's sex allegations.

It’s a conspiracy that Sweden and Americans are involved in

According to Julian Assange, the United States and Sweden have been working together in a conspiracy theory in order to punish him for the United States intelligence cables which were released ever since the facts of his sexual assault claims were released. Mark Stephens is Julian Assange's lawyer. He says that Assange won’t be extradited and tried under United States treason laws if he has anything to do with it. Julian Assange is not a United States citizen meaning this likely will be the case. He is really Australian. No Australian laws were broken by Assange though, according to Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard. The United States might go to extreme measures to get him in their custody though.


The Australian

Julia Gillard says Assange broke no Australian laws

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